By Josef Pieper

In The 4 Cardinal Virtues, Josef Pieper supplies a stimulating quartet of essays at the 4 cardinal virtues. He demonstrates the unsound overvaluation of moderation that has made modern morality a hole conference and issues out the genuine value of the Christian virtues.

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Rather, 16 Knowledge In saying of Reality and the Realization of the this, more Whoever apparent. spiritual structure psychical health is is predicated than Good may be immediately some understanding of the physicoof man knows to what extent physical and has necessary for the perfected ability of solerwhich is the site of neurosis, where tia, especially in that realm both originates and can be overcome. ) it we again, then, as in so many other things, we see the high and austere demands which the classical Christian doctrine of prudence makes upon physical alertness and health, and upon Here "trained" physico-spiritual energies.

This means in concrete terms: because he beyond all something Moreover, is created a person by Man has inalienable rights God, that is, an act the act of human is discussion. In the ultimate analysis, then, inalienably due to man because he is creatura, as creatura y man has the absolute duty to give an- other his due.

The bright realm of free will is human sides action, dominated by knowledge, is bordered on all darkness, by the darkness of nature's part within ourselves and by the deeper, impenetrable darkness of the immedi- by ate divine governance of our volition and our actions. These two realms are dark only to us; in reality they are irradiated by the infinite brightness of divine knowledge and providence. Of this brightness the Holy Scriptures say that it is an "unapproachable light" (I Tim. 6, 15).

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