Why did glossy states and economies advance first within the peripheral and late-coming tradition of Europe? This ancient puzzle looms at the back of each research of industrialization and fiscal improvement. In his analytical and comparative paintings Eric Jones sees the commercial forming the place usual environments and political platforms meet: Europe's monetary upward thrust is defined as a well-liked interplay among them, contrasting with the difficult trend in their interaction within the Ottoman empire, India and China. a brand new preface and afterword were additional for the 3rd version.

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1982. European Economic Development: The Contribu­ tion of the Periphery. Economic History Review 2 ser. 3 5 ,1- 18 . Parker, W. H. 1982. Mackinder: Geography as an Aid to Statecraft. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Posner, Richard A. 1981. The Economics of Justice. : Harvard University Press. Post, John D. 1977. The Last Great Subsistence Crisis in the Western World. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Pryor, Frederic L. 1985. Climatic Fluctuations as a Cause of the Differential Economic Growth of the Orient and Occident: A Comment.

Indian bankers and civil servants for exam ple w ere quick to shift into the suburb of H yderabad where, in 1808, the British residence had been built, 'preferring probably our sanitary and police arrangem ents to their ow n ' according to a British author quoted b y A lam (1965:8). It is easy, in this species of history, to m istake the forms of developm ent for their essential causes. From the narrow ly eco­ nomic standpoint a more im portant step, taken in m uch of Europe after a struggle in the M iddle A ges, w as probably the curtail­ ing of predatory governm ental tax behaviour.

This w o u ld build up a p op ula­ tion surplus as a sort of dem ographic insurance against catas­ trophe. ' M cE ved y and Jones (1978:182-4) have recently m ade estim ates sh o w in g a slow ly and sm oothly rising trend of population in th e sub-continent for 1,500 years from 500 B . C . , but they add that 'presu m ab ly the vicis­ situdes of em pires, the onslaughts of ep id em ics and the fluctua­ tions of food su p p ly kinked the graph oin m an y occasions, but of these w e know alm ost nothing.

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