By International Atomic Energy Agency

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A listing of the types of sample that will be collected, the numbers of each type of sample, the size and location of each sample, and the analyses that will be performed is provided. Areas not previously monitored during operations, but which will become accessible during the decommissioning process, are identified and included in the survey. 43 The process used to verify that there is not any buried material on-site or any areas of subsurface contamination is described. e. penetrating radars or electromagnetic measuring devices) to accomplish this task are indicated and the results presented.

The procedure that will be followed if conditions are outside the normal parameters during the surveillance activity is described and possible corrective actions identified. 2. Schedule for surveillance and maintenance This subsection provides a schedule for surveillance and maintenance activities. e. electricians, instrumentation personnel and pipe fitters). A discussion is provided on how this schedule will be periodically reviewed and modified on the basis of periodic inspections. 7. WASTE MANAGEMENT The waste management plan is normally a separate document that is referenced and summarized in the decommissioning plan, so there is some repetition of information, which would not be required if the waste management plan were directly incorporated in the decommissioning plan.

Details may only be supplied in the physical security plan. 3. Safeguards programme and measures The operational arrangements for the safeguarding of special nuclear material are summarized. 7), are identified. The justification for these modifications, recognizing that as decommissioning progresses the hazard potential of the facility will decrease, is provided. 15. FINAL RADIATION SURVEY This section provides a brief overview of the final survey design. A map or drawing of the site, area or building which indicates the areas that will be included in the survey is provided.

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