By David E. Goldberg

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A ) 2. ( b ) 4. ) ( a ) 2cm, ( b ) 4cm, (c) 4cm, ( d ) 3cm, ( e ) 44cm, and ( f ) 1 cm. 23L) (c) (393 g)/(2 L) = Ans. 00 X 102g/L (c) (393g)/(2 L) = 200g/L = 2 X 10' g/L Three significant digits are required in ( a ) and in ( b ) ; one significant digit is required in (c). 58. Perform the following calculations to the proper number of significant digits. All measurements are in centimeters. 59. Explain why every 0 in the coefficient is significant in a number properly expressed in standard exponential not at ion.

You are often given two of these quantities and asked for the third. You will use the equation d = m / V if you are given mass and volume, but if you are given density and either of the others, you probably should use the factor-label method. That way, you need not manipulate the equation and then substitute; you can solve immediately. 0kg. 40. 3g/mL? 13kg CHAP. 41. 0g of gold? 674mL ):;(l Use of the equation requires manipulation of the basic equation followed by substitution. The factor-label method gives the same result by merely relying on the units.

It is also useful to discuss density here for practice with the factor-label method of solving problems, and as such, it is often emphasized on early quizzes and examinations. Density is a ratio-the number of grams per milliliter, for example. In this regard, it is similar to speed. The word per means divided by. To get a speed in miles per hour, divide the number of miles by the number of hours. Say the following speed aloud: 30 miles/hour. ) Distinguish carefully between density and mass, which are often confused in everyday conversation.

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