By Takeo Saegusa and Eric Goethals (Eds.)

content material: Cationic polymerization of cyclic amines / E.J. Goethals, E.H. Schacht, P. Bruggeman, and P. Bossaer --
New points of the chemistry of residing tetrahydrofuran polymers initiated through trifluoromethane sulfonic anhydride / Samuel Smith, William J. Schultz, and Richard A. Newmark --
New advancements in graft copolymerization by means of oxonium ion mechanism / K.I. Lee and P. Dreyfuss --
Ring-opening polymerization with enlargement in quantity / William J. Bailey, Robert L. solar, Hirokazu Katsuki, Takeshi Endo, Hideaki Iwama, Rikio Tsushima, Kazuhide Saigou, and Michel M. Bitritto --
development in polymerization of cyclic acetals / Stanisław Penczek and Przemysław Kubisa --
Ring-opening polymerization of macrocyclic acetals / Rolf C. Schulz, ok. Albrecht, C. Rentsch, and Q.V. Tran Thi --
Macrocyclic formals / Yuya Yamashita and Yuhsuke Kawakami --
Stereoregularity as a functionality of aspect chain dimension in perhaloacetaldehyde polymerization / D.W. Lipp and O. Vogl --
Mechanism of the cationic polymerization of lactams / M. Rothe and G. Bertalan --
Ring-opening copolymerization of a few cyclic compounds containing oxygen and nitrogen atoms / H.L. Hsieh --
Ring-opening polymerizations : mechanism of polymerization of [epsilon]-caprolactone / R.H. younger, M. Matzner, and L.A. Pilato --
New clients in homogeneous ring-opening polymerization of heterocyclic monomers / Ph. Teyssié, J.P. Bioul, A. Hamitou, J. Heuschen, L. Hocks, R. Jérôme, and T. Ouhadi --
Optically lively poly[oxy(1-alkyl)ethylene] / Teiji Tsuruta --
Stereoselective and stereoelective polymerization of oxiranes and thiiranes / Nicolas Spassky --
fee and stereochemistry of the anionic polymerization of [alpha], [alpha]-disubstituted-[beta]-propiolactones / Robert W. Lenz, Cristian G. D'Hondt, and Ebrahim Bigdeli --
particular interactions of lithium chloride within the anionic polymerization of lactams / Giorgio Bontá, Alberto Ciferri, and Saverio Russo --
Isomerization polymerization of lactams / H.K. Reimschuessel --
Copolymerization of [epsilon]-caprolactam with [beta]-(3,4-diaminophenyl) propionic acid / S.W. Shalaby and E.A. Turi --
Anionic polymerization of fluorocarbon epoxides / James T. Hill and John P. Erdman --
Ring-opening polymerization through C-C bond starting / H.K. corridor, Jr., H. Tsuchiya, P. Ykman, J. Otton, S.C. Snider, and A. Deutschman, Jr. --
New polymers via ring-opening polymerization of norbornene derivatives with polar substituents / S. Matsumoto, ok. Komatsu, and ok. Igarashi --
Polymerization of aryl cyclic sulfonium zwitterions / D.L. Schmidt --
Spontaneous alternating copolymerization of cyclic phosphorus compounds through phosphonium zwitterion intermediates / Takeo Saegusa, Shiro Kobayashi, Yoshiharu Kimura, and Tsunenori Yokoyama.

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When the p o l y m e r i z a t i o n was c a r r i e d out from 0-5°, evidence was obtained from the i n f r a r e d s p e c t r a (appearance o f a strong t r a n s i e n t band a t 1600 cm ) t h a t t h e p o l y m e r i z a t i o n took p l a c e stepwise t o produce a s t a b i l i z e d carbenium i o n which was converted t o the f i n a l polymer. ; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1977. 46 RING-OPENING POLYMERIZATION ^CH -0 BF -OEt 2 E t 3 - -CH -0-p-H C 2 N 2 7 Q % CH -0 2 III bulky s i d e groups gave s i m i l a r b i c y c l o monomers, which produced h i g h m e l t i n g t h e r m o p l a s t i c m a t e r i a l s .

Nto a mold o r a comp­ o s i t e , i t was found p o s s i b l e to make a s l u r r y o f t h i s c r y s t a l l i n e m a t e r i a l i n l i q u i d epoxy monomer and copolymerize the two w i t h c o n t r o l l e d shrinkage. Expansion, c o n t r a c t i o n , o r zero change i n volume could be obtained depending on the c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f t h e c r y s t a l l i n e monomer i n the s l u r r y . The l a r g e volume i n c r e a s e a l s o suggests t h a t the p o l y m e r i z a t i o n may be used t o r e p l a c e e x p l o s i v e s i n c r a c k i n g rocks i n a quarry o r f o r excavations.

Appar­ e n t l y t h e a l l y l oxonium i o n i s u n s t a b l e and decomposes rapidly. Side r e a c t i o n s occur i f the h e t e r o c y c l e i s n o t p o l y m e r i z a b l e b u t p o l y m e r i z a t i o n o c c u r s when p o s ­ sible. O v e r a l l , we c o n c l u d e d t h a t i n o u r case nmr s t u d i e s a r e n o t a good method f o r s t u d y i n g t h e k i n e t i c s o f t h e i n i t i a t i o n p r o c e s s a t room temperature They were u s e f u l f o r g a i n i n t h a t might be formed.

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