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Assessment of swab transport systems for aerobic and anaerobic organism recovery. J Clin Micro. 1997;35:1269-1271. 34 Hudspeth MK, Citron DM, Goldstein EJC. Evaluation of a novel specimen transport system (Venturi Transystem) of anaerobic bacteria. Clin Infect Dis. 1997;25(Supplement):S132-133. 35 Van Horn K, Warren K, Toth C. Comparison of four swab systems for recovery of anaerobic bacteria. 99th general meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. 1999; Chicago, IL. Abstract C-32. 36 Allan SD, Siders JA, Emery CL, Wolters LC, Korba GG, Tibbs ME.

Since product is made and released to established specifications, compliance is met and guidelines are followed. Therefore, the six-month interim testing is not warranted. • The subcommittee agrees. The reference to retest each lot of product every six months has been removed as suggested. 2, Urine Culture Containers 3. The committee proposed that control testing be conducted to establish the performance claim of the product by seeding devices with relevant uropathogens and site flora, including Escherichia coli (ATCC® 25922), Staphylococcus saprophyticus (ATCC® 15305), Proteus mirabilis (ATCC® 7002), Enterococcus (ATCC® 29212), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC® BAA-427), and Candida (ATCC® 24433).

Text has been added to this section to clarify end-user responsibility for verifying incompatibility and frequency of testing. 4) 3. , an aerobic swab that can/cannot also be used for anaerobes). • Text has been added to clarify the necessary product information. 10, Quality Control Protocols 4. The last sentence is unclear. Is 4 to 8 degrees the transport temperature range and 20 to 25 degrees the holding range which is implied by the ordering, or vice versa? • The text in this section has been clarified to reflect that these temperatures can be considered either the transport or holding temperature.

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