By E. Norbin

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A–b) Transverse gluon energy flow in pseudorapidity, η = 21 ln((p + pz )/(p − pz )). 75, E⊥,min = 10 and 40 GeV respectively. the incoming partons (initial state radiation, ISR). This contribution is almost as large as the FSR one, Fig. 15a, but the rapidity distribution is different. In Fig. 15b the three Pythia versions considered in this paper are compared. Only the FSR component is shown, and the additional radiation from SUSY particles in the latest version gives rise to an increased total transverse gluon energy flow.

D) Other minor variations of the main theme, see the text for details. The data are from [36] and [37]. 001 units in yc for clarity. In (a) and (b) the ±1σ curves are given, while only the central value is shown in (c) and (d) for clarity, but the statistics is comparable. that this comparison can be ambiguous in view of the dependence on Q0 . Our aim here is not to achieve a perfect fit to data, but merely ensure that the results are at the right level. As we will see, the data is anyway not good enough to make precise discriminations between all different model variations.

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