By Ewa Kłodzińska; A K Haghi; Gennady E Zaikov
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A. (2010). J. Mol. , 156, 124–127. 16. Kielland, J. (1937). J. Am. Chem. , 59, 1675–1678. , & Alinger, N. L. (1982). Molecular Mechanics. ACS Monograph 177, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. 18. Levine, I. N. (1991). Quantum Chemistry, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 455–544. CHAPTER 5 A LECTURE NOTE ON INFLUENCE OF ELECTRIC CURRENT ON THE OXIDATION PROCESS OF CONDUCTIVE POLYMER COMPOSITIONS E. O. SAZONOVA and I. A. 49 42 Physics and Chemistry of Classical Materials: Applied Research and Concepts ABSTRACT This chapter shows influence of electric current on the oxidation of conductive polymer compositions.
Calculations were carried out in approach to the isolated molecule to a gas phase. The Program MacMolPlt was used for visual representation initial, intermediate and final models [4]. The Mechanism of synthesis of studied compound was investigated by method MNDO. 0Å from each other. Any interactions between compounds practically are absent on such distance. Distance RO9C29 has been chosen as coordinate of reaction Quantum-Chemical Lecture Note on the Mechanism 11 (Fig. 1). This coordinate is most energetically a favorable direction of interaction of initial components.
Volgograd, 157–159. 21. Babkin, V. , & Andreev, D. S. (2010). Quantum Chemical Calculation of Molecule 2-methylenbutene-1 by Method AB INITIO, Quantum Chemical Calculation of Unique Molecular System. I. Publisher VolSU c. Volgograd, 159–161. 22. Babkin, V. , & Andreev, D. S. (2010). Quantum Chemical Calculation of Molecule 2-methylbutene-2 by Method AB INITIO, Quantum Chemical Calculation of Unique Molecular System. I. Publisher VolSU c. Volgograd, 161–162. 23. Babkin, V. , & Andreev, D. S. (2010).