By Heinz W. Siesler, Yukihiro Ozaki, Satoshi Kawata, H. Michael Heise

Over the past few years, near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has quickly built into an enormous and very worthy approach to research. actually, for definite study parts and functions, starting from fabric technological know-how through chemistry to existence sciences, it has turn into an fundamental device simply because this quick and comparatively cheap form of spectroscopy presents qualitative and quantitative info now not on hand from the other technique.This publication deals a balanced review of the basic conception and instrumentation of NIR spectroscopy, introducing the cloth in a effectively understandable demeanour. a substantial a part of the textual content is devoted to useful purposes, together with pattern training and investigations of polymers, textiles, medicinal drugs, nutrition and animal feed. despite the fact that, particular themes, resembling two-dimensional correlation research, also are lined in separate chapters. Written via 8 specialists in several fields, this ebook offers an creation to the present kingdom of advancements and is efficacious to spectroscopists and to practitioners employing NIR spectroscopy as an everyday analytical instrument.

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Instrum. 1960,I, 347. [42] K. B. WHETSEL, Appl. Spectrosc. Reu. 1968, 2, 1. [43] R. F. GODDU,D. A. DELKER, Anal. Chem. 1960,32, 140. 1441 J. J. KELLY, J. B. CALLIS,Anal. Chem. 1990,62,1444. [45] G. A. GEORGE, P. COLE-CLARKE, N. S. JOHN,G. FRIEND, J . Appl. Polym. Sci. 1991,42, 643. [46] N. A. A. GEORGE, Polymer 1992,33( 13), 2679. [47] C. J. DEBAKKER, G. A. GEORGE, N. A. S. JOHN, Spectrochim. Acta 1993,49A (5/6), 739. [48] C. J. DEBAKKEQ N. A. S. J O H N , G. A. Polymer 1993,34(4), 716. GEORGE, [49] B.

See Tab. 1 for values. Tab. 1 Values of the anharmonicity constant x, for various vibrations. 10-2 ,.. 5. 5. 2 The Polyatomic Molecule A molecule containing a number, N, atoms will have (3N-6) vibrational degrees of freedom (3N-5 for linear molecules). The number of vibrational degrees of freedom gives the number of fundamental vibrational frequencies of the molecule or the number of different “normal” modes of vibration. A normal mode of vibration of a given molecule corresponds to internal atomic motions in which all atoms move in phase with the same frequency, but with different amplitudes.

In heptane, the unassociated OH bond gives rise to a sharp absorption centred around 1410nm, while the NIR spectrum in ethyl acetate is dominated by a broad absorption centred at 1435 nm that is ascribed to the associated species. Similarly, the NIR spectra of blends of polycaprolactone (PCL) and phenoxy (poly(hydroxypropy1)ether of bisphenol-A] show that the peak maximum of the OH stretch overtone decreases in wavelength from 1431 to 1425 nm as the fraction of PCL increases [56]. In connection with OH absorptions, one of the major applications of N I R spectroscopy needs to be mentioned, that is, the determination of moisture in food analysis [2, 57, 581.

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