By Fred Moseley, Tony Smith
This publication offers a wide-ranging and in-depth reappraisal of the relation among Marx’s financial conception in Capital and Hegel’s good judgment by means of major Marxian economists and philosophers from world wide. the topics handled comprise: systematic dialectics, the recent Dialectics, materialism vs. idealism, Marx’s ‘inversion’ of Hegel, Hegel’s notion good judgment (universality-particularity-singularity), Hegel’s Essence good judgment (essence-appearance), Marx’s degrees of abstraction of capital mostly and festival, and capital as Hegelian Subject.
The papers during this quantity have been initially offered on the twenty second annual assembly of the overseas Symposium on Marxian concept at Mount Holyoke university in August 2011. The twelve authors are divided among seven economists and 5 philosophers, as is becoming for the interdisciplinary topic of the relation among Marx’s financial concept and Hegel’s logic.
Contributors are: Chris Arthur, Riccardo Bellofiore, Roberto Fineschi, Gastón Caligaris, Igor Hanzel, Juan Iñigo Carrera, Mark Meaney, Fred Moseley, Patrick Murray, Geert Reuten, Mario Robles, Tony Smith, and Guido Starosta.
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Nevertheless, the real is said to comprise a system of hierarchically ordered relations. The nature of the subject-matter, therefore, is not given to sense. Sincethe whole is a functioning system of hierarchically ordered relations, the reconstruction of the real in the ‘wayof thought’ must be accomplished in a systematic manner. It is important to note at this point that the term ‘concrete’has two particu lar denotations for Marx. It is on the one hand the ontologically prior real. The capitalist mode of production is represented in The PovertyofPhilosophy as a self-moving,self-reproducing whole comprising hier archically ordered, dialectically related forms of existence.
28 The Philosophy of Right should be read as Hegel’s most comprehensive and detailed attempt to establish the strong normativejustification of the modern socio-political order through this sort of system of syllogisms. Hegel’sargument for the rationality of the modern social world cannot be accepted. His social ontology includes free individuals, their motives and acts, the intended and unintended consequences of those acts, the (supposedly) quasi-natural association of the family,free associations of individuals in civil society, the political community and its customs, laws and state-apparatus, and external relations among states in world-history.
86. HEGEL, MARXAND THE COMPREHENSION OF CAPITALISM required to instantiate the Logic of the Concept in the socio-political realm. Capitalism therefore lacks rationality in Hegel’sstrongly normative sense of the term. 42Marx, lacking an adequate interpretation of Hegel, failed to recognise exactly which categories from Hegel’sLogic come into play in the critique of political economy. Capitalism is defined by a contradictory Essence-Logic, in Hegel’ssense of the term, from which we cannot escape without the historical creation of a new form of sociality.