By Klong-chen rab-'byams pa, Herbert V. Guenther

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1 6. , Avalokitclvara is the symbol of compassion (karU7)il. thugs-rje) as the (spiritually, not emotionally) actional function (upaya. " Mafiju§ri is the symbol for appreciative discrimination (prajnlI, shes-rab) as the cognitive and hence thoroughly open function of intelligent life. Both features are complementary to each other, none can operate meaning­ fully in isolation, and as such they present the dynamics of Being which, unlike the many kinds and forms of beings, is not only not a granular isolatable entity but also indestructible as indicated by the symbol of the diamond (vajra.

Thugs-rje) as the (spiritually, not emotionally) actional function (upaya. " Mafiju§ri is the symbol for appreciative discrimination (prajnlI, shes-rab) as the cognitive and hence thoroughly open function of intelligent life. Both features are complementary to each other, none can operate meaning­ fully in isolation, and as such they present the dynamics of Being which, unlike the many kinds and forms of beings, is not only not a granular isolatable entity but also indestructible as indicated by the symbol of the diamond (vajra.

A dynamic and multilevel ethic, as demanded by Buddhism, is the re fore the first glimpse of man's inte rc on nected n e ss with the universe and makes possible its in-depth appraisal as leading to a "feeling" of Wholeness (usually associated with conce n t rat i on and med itati o n in which the fixation that easily occurs, is then acclaimed as an ""achieveme nt"). This feeling of whole­ n es s serves as the basis for g ai n i ng i nsi g h t into reality, this insight as discriminative apprecia tio n assisting in removing the fictions about realit y we ordinarily entertain.

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