By Gregory J Chaitin

"One will locate [Information, Randomness and Incompleteness] all types of articles that are popularizations or epistemological reflections and shows which allow one to swiftly receive an exact concept of the topic and of a few of its functions (in specific within the organic domain). Very whole, it is suggested to a person who's attracted to algorithmic details theory." (translated) Jean-Paul Delahaye in l. a. Recherche "No one, yet nobody, is exploring to larger depths the superb insights and theorems that stream from Godel's paintings on undecidability than Gregory Chaitin. His intriguing discoveries and speculations invade such parts as common sense, induction, simplicity, the philosophy of arithmetic and technology, randomness, facts conception, chaos, details idea, machine complexity, diophantine research or even the starting place and evolution of life." Martin Gardner "Gregory Chaitin ... has proved the last word in undecidability theorems ..., that the logical constitution of mathematics may be random ... the idea that the formal constitution of mathematics is designated and average seems to were a time-bomb and Chaitin has simply driven the detonator." Ian Stewart in Nature

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9] A. N. Kolmogorov, \Three approaches to the de nition of the concept `quantity of information'," Probl. , vol. 1, pp. 3{11, 1965. 10] |, Foundations of the Theory of Probability. New York: Chelsea, 1950. 11] G. J. Chaitin, \On the length of programs for computing nite binary sequences," J. ACM, vol. 13, pp. 547{569, October 1966. On the Di culty of Computations 55 12] |, \On the length of programs for computing nite binary sequences: statistical considerations," J. ACM, vol. 16, pp. 145{ 159, January 1969.

At the end of his life John von Neumann challenged mathematicians to nd an abstract mathematical theory for the origin and evolution of life. This fundamental problem, like most fundamental problems, is magni cently di cult. Perhaps algorithmic information theory can help to suggest a way to proceed. Further Reading Algorithmic Information Theory. Gregory J. Chaitin. Cambridge University Press, 1987. Randomness in Arithmetic 39 Information, Randomness & Incompleteness. Gregory J. Chaitin. World Scienti c Publishing Co.

C C 0 is de ned as meaning that C is not much slower than C 0. What do we mean by saying that computer C is not much slower than computer C 0 for the purpose of computing in nite sets of natural numbers? There is a computable change of C 's time scale that makes C as fast as C 0 or faster. More exactly, there is a computable function f (n) (for example n! or nn with n exponents) with the following property. Let P 0 be any program that makes C 0 calculate an in nite set of natural numbers. Then there exists a program P that makes C calculate the same set of natural numbers and has the additional property that every natural number emitted by C 0 during the rst t seconds of calculation is emitted by C during the rst f (t) second of calculation, for all but a nite number of values of t.

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