By Anna L Snowdon
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1973) The fungi: an advanced treatise. Vol. 4A. A taxonomic review with keys: Ascomycetes and Fungi Imperfecti. New York: Academic Press, 621 pp. K. S. ) (1973) The fungi: an advanced treatise. Vol. 4B. A taxonomic review with keys: Basidiomycetes and Lower Fungi. New York: Academic Press, 504 pp. L. & SIGLER L. (1980) Genera ofHyphomycetes. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 386 pp illus. B. & HIRATSUKA Y. (1983) Illustrated genera of rust fungi. St Paul, Minnesota: American Phytopathological Society, 152 pp illus.
Fitopatologico 35(5), 29-30 illus. 4 SOLEL Z. & OREN Y. (1978) Laboratory and field evaluation of fungicides to control anthracnose stain of citrus fruit. Phytoparasitica 6, 59-64. 5 TANAKA H. ] Bulletin of the Horticultural Research Station of Japan B 8, 99-110 illus. ASPERGILLUS BLACK MOULD ROT of citrus caused by Aspergillus niger v. Tieghem 164 OCCURRENCE This fungus is present in soil and in the atmosphere, but it infects citrus fruits only at fairly high temperature and only if they have been weakened in some way.
To isolate the organism, small pieces of dtecayed tissue from the leading edge of the lesion are transferred, by means of sterile techniques, to the medium contained in covered dishes (2). Fungal or bacterial colonies are usually visible within a few days, though it may take some time for certain fungi to mature sufficiently to permit identification (7). In order to confirm beyond doubt that the symptoms observed in the fruit or vegetable are caused by the micro-organism, certain criteria (Koch's postulates) must be fulfilled as follows.