By Sue Stolton ... [et al.].
A report back to support managers indentify CWR species latest in a PA and adapt administration practices to facilitate conservation of CWR.
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Some 9,000 flowering plant have been recorded across the reserve, which also has levels of endemism estimated at between 30-40 per cent. The area also seems to have a long, but mainly unresearched, history of human habitation356. The Sierra Madre region of Mexico and the USA is the richest area for CWR north of the Tropic of Cancer357. 61 per cent of its original vegetation remaining358. 4 per cent of the ecoregion. Wild capsicums are an important CWR in this area and have been given ‘special plant’ status in the Coronado National Forest which is within this ecoregion359.
CWR recorded in the reserve include onion and barley species243. The Gobi is one of the largest Biosphere Reserves in the world. , Digitaria sp. ), representing important genetic resources for biological conservation and research245. This, the largest protected area in Africa, includes the volcanic massif of the Aïr Mountains and the surrounding Saharan desert of Ténéré. It contains an outstanding variety of landscapes, plant species and wild animals. The reserve harbours crop genetic resources of several important species: wild olive (O.
37 IV. South West Asiatic Centre (Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan): around 80 species, including wheat species, rye, oats, seed and forage legumes and fruits. V. The Mediterranean Centre (countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea): includes over 80 identified species of wheat, barley, forage plants, vegetables and fruits, as well as spices and oil plants. VI. The Abyssinian Centre (Ethiopian): again seen as being of lesser importance, but important as a refuge for crops from other regions, especially wheat and barley, as well as local grains and spices.