By Saul Patai
Chapter 1 Synthesis of crown ethers and analogues (pages 1–57): Dale A. Laidler and J. Fraser Stoddart
Chapter 2 Crown ethers–complexes and selectivity (pages 59–156): Fritz Vogtle and Edwin Weber
Chapter three natural modifications mediated through macrocyclic multidentate ligands (pages 157–174): Charles L. Liotta
Chapter four Geometry of the ether, sulphide and hydroxyl teams and structural chemistry of macrocyclic and non?cyclic polyether compounds (pages 175–214): Israel Goldberg
Chapter five Stereodynamics of alcohols, ethers, thio ethers and comparable compounds (pages 215–278): C. Hackett Bushweller and Michael H. Gianni
Chapter 6 Chiroptical homes of alcohols, ethers, thio ethers and disulphides (pages 279–298): G. Gottarelli and B. Samori
Chapter 7 The mass spectra of ethers and sulphides (pages 299–325): Christian C. Van De Sande
Chapter eight The electrochemistry of ethers, hydroxyl teams and their sulphur analogues (pages 327–350): Tatsuya Shono
Chapter nine digital buildings and thermochemistry of phenols (pages 351–377): Jean Royer, man Bertholon, Robert Perrin, Roger Lamartine and Monique Perrin
Chapter 10 Syntheses and makes use of of isotopically labelled ethers and sulphides (pages 379–448): Mieczyslaw Zielinski
Chapter eleven Gas?phase thermal decompositions of easy alcohols, thiols and sulphides (pages 449–468): R. L. Failes, J. S. Shapiro and V. R. Stimson
Chapter 12 Oxidation and aid of alcohols and ethers (pages 469–538): Paul Muller
Chapter thirteen Oxidation and aid of sulphides (pages 539–608): Eric Block
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Amer. Chem. ,98, 4018 (1976); S. S. Moore, T. L. Tarnowski, M. Newcomb and D. J. Cram, J. Amer. , 99, 6398 (1977); hl. Newcomb, S . S. Moore and D. J. Cram, J. Amer. Chem. , 99,6405 (1977). 100. M. A. McKervey and D. L. MuIholland,J. Chem. , 438 (1977). 101. S . J. Leigh and 1. 0. Sutherland, J . Chetn. Soc.. Chetn. , 414 (1975); L. C . Hodgkinson, S. J. Leigh and I . 0. Sutherland, J. CJ7em. , Chem. , 639, 640 (1976). 102. R. C. Helgeson, T. L. Tarnowski, J. M. Timko and D. J. Cram, J. Amer. Chern.
128, are also known9 7 * 9 a . e. A. In addition t o these investigations by Reinhoudt and his collabora t o r 3, ~ ~Cram and his associates9 have prepared numerous meta-xylyl-18-crown-6 derivatives with substituents at C(2) and C(5 1. Recently, phenolic crown ethers, such as 129, have been obtained' O 0 in greater than 90% yield by de-0-methylation (129) of the corresponding methyl ethers upon exposure t o anhydrous LiI in dry C5 HsN at looo for 10 h followed by acidification. The success of these deetherifications has been attributed to intramolecular crown ether catalysis, as neither anisole nor 2,6-dimethylanisole furnish the corresponding phenol when subjected t o similar treatment.
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