By W. R. Bion
A dialogue of categorising the ideational context and emotional event that could ensue in a psychoanalytic interview. The textual content goals to extend the reader's realizing of cognition and its scientific ramifications.
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See C h a p . 20. 1 54 Elements of Psycho-Analysis 55 analyst a n d the analysand the analysand is b u t one o f these domains of disagreement that is passed by silently. Suppose it is brought into the analysis: the patient a n d the analyst are at once i n agreement, for w h a t proposition c o u l d be more obvious, or one more l o y a l l y accepted b y the patient ? B u t the mode o f acceptance w i l l indicate that the significance, i n the patient's o p i n i o n , o f the analyst's interpretation l a y i n the analyst's premises—his false premises.
Can operate, ? has to be found a n d the dis covery of ? depends on the operation of Ps D .
T h e original question is posed b y a monster, that is, by a n object composed of a n u m b e r of features inappropriate to each other. T h i s concludes m y brief review of the O e d i p u s m y t h i n the light of psycho-analytic theory. I shall consider i n w h a t respect i t is meaningful to regard the Oedipus m y t h as a n i m p o r t a n t component of the content of the human mind. CHAPTER ELEVEN of the Oedipus m y t h as a part of the con tent of the m i n d meets w i t h inherent difficulties at the outset.