By Geoffrey Wilkinson
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Inorg. Chem. , 1976,18,1-66 (220). 117. Coordination chemistry of cyanate, thiocyanate and selenocyanate ions. A. H. Norbury, A h . Inorg. Chem. , 1975, 17: 232-386 (825). 318. Complexes of open chain tetradentate ligands containing heavy donor atoms. C. A. McAuliffe, Adv, Inorg. , 1Y75, 17, 165-187 (58). 129. Copper(1) complexes. F. H. dardine, Adv. Inorg. Chem. , 1975, 17, 116163 (362). 120. Inorganic compounds containing the trifluoroacetate group. C. D. Garner and B. Hughes, Adv. Inorg. Chem.
G. C. Alien and N. S. Hush, Prog. Znurg. , 1967,8,357-389 (116). 25. Intervalence transfer absorption, part 11: theoretical considerations and spectroscopic data. N. S. Hush, Prog. Inorg. , 1967,8,391-444 (44). 26. The chemistry of bivalent tin. J . D. Donaldson, Prog. Znorg. Chem . 1967,8,287-356 (268). 27. Complexes containing the nitrate ion. C. C. Addison and D. Sutton. Plug. Inurg. , 1967, 8, 195-286 (389). 28. Eight coordination chemistry. S. J. Lippard, Prog. Inorg. , 1967,8, 109-193 (381).
W. Jolly, Prug. Inorg. , 1959,1,235-281 (174). 52. Isocyanide complexes of metals. L. Malatesta, Prog. Inorg. , 1959,1,283-379 (117). 53. The effect of inner orbitai splittin on the thermodynamic properties of transition metal compounds and coordination complexes. P. t e o r g e and D. S . McClure, h o g . Innorg. , 1959, 1,381-463 (36). Index of Review Articles and Specialist Texts 27 54. The structure of mixed metal oxides. R. Ward, Prog. Inorg. , 1959,1,465-536 (216). 55. Transition metal molecular clusters.