By Marshall Miles
During this e-book, written for critical match gamers, Miles addresses the the complicated area of aggressive bidding equipment. Miles discusses present considering, and recommends tools so one can stay playable as bridge enters the twenty first century. This publication will entice extra critical readers yet may be loved completely through the advancing participant.
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Is it likely that you would be trying for game now? No, you probably have a hand similar to the last one, but with a few more high cards to account for the opponents’ failure to bid game. Perhaps you hold: ♠ Q84 ♥ J7 ♦ 85 ♣ K 10 9 6 4 3 Bidding the Opponents’ Suit * 63 and you are happy that your clubs are as good as they are (you might have had to bid clubs with ♣J76432). This next auction is perhaps a bit more controversial than the previous ones: WEST NORTH pass 1♠ EAST 1♦ SOUTH 1♥ 2♦ pass Is your 2♦ bid natural or a cuebid?
WEST 1♦ 4. ♦ SOUTH Neither vul. WEST 1♦ 3. A83 EAST pass ? 76 ♣ J92 Q986 NORTH 2♠ ♥ AK7 ♦ pass ? 3 ♣ K 10 8 6 3 Competitive Bidding in the 21st Century 6. East-West vul. WEST 1♦ ♠ 7. QJ5 NORTH 1♠ ♥ ♦ 8 SOUTH ? ♣98732 East-West vul. WEST 1♦ ♠ 8. AQ74 EAST 3♦ QJ5 NORTH 1♠ ♥ AQ74 EAST pass ♦ 8 ♣ SOUTH ? 98732 To Solutions Vulnerability immaterial WEST NORTH EAST NORTH 2♠2 EAST pass 1♣ 1♥ pass ♠ A 8 6 5 ♥ J 10 9 3 ♦ A 9 7 3 9. SOUTH pass ? ♣2 Neither vul. WEST 1NT 1 pass 1. 15-17. 2. Spades and a minor.
If partner opened 1♠, you would respond 1NT with ♠3 ♥ Q9875 ♦ A8754 ♣ 62 to give him another chance (hoping for him to rebid 2♥), but if partner overcalls 1♠, you should never consider bidding 1NT, no matter what the opening bid was. A 1NT response to an overcall shows roughly 8-12 HCP with at least one stopper in the opponent’s suit, and probably two stoppers if you are at the lower end of the range. So, if the bidding goes WEST 1♦ NORTH 1♠ EAST pass SOUTH ? you should bid 1NT with hands like these: ♠ ♠ J 6 ♥ Q 10 8 ♦ K 10 7 5 ♣ Q J 4 2 8 ♥ KJ87 ♦ Q974 ♣ AQ75 You would respond 2NT (non-forcing) with 13-14 HCP and bid 3NT directly with 15 HCP and poor spade support.