By E. Wolfram
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Hockey, Trans. Faraday Soc. 67,2679 (1971). 7 Rutley, Elements of Mineralogy (edited by H. H. Read). George Allen, London (1962). 8 L. H. Little, Infrared Spectroscopy of Adsorbed Species, p. 275. Academic Press, London (1966). 9 C. G. Armistead, A. J. Tyler, F. A. Hambleton, S. A. Mitchell and J. A. Hockey, /. Phys. Chem. 73, 3947 (1969). 10 G. J. Young, /. Colloid Sci. 13, 67 (1958). n P . Jackson and G. D. Parfitt, /. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 68(1), 896 (1972). 12 G. D. Parfitt, J. Ramsbotham and C.
9 Khim. 2858 (1974). N. Wakao and J. M. Smith, Chem. Eng. Sci. 17, 825 (1962). results of the study into the kinetics of adsorption from a restricted volume for the same system. Thus, by using one or other of the experimental methods available for studying the kinetics of adsorption by porous adsorbents and the relevant expressions for analysis of the experimental data obtained, we can analyze the effect of the experimental conditions on the transfer rate in the adsorbing and transport pores and determine the contribution from each type of transfer to the total adsorption rate.
69, 211 (1965). 23 E. P. Parry, /. Catalysis 2, 371 (1963). 24 N. W. Cant and L. H. Little, Can. J. Chem. 43, 1252 (1965). 25 K. H. Bourne, F. R. Cannings and R. C. Pitkethly, /. Phys. Chem. 74, 2197 (1970). 26 K. Marshall and C. H. Rochester, /. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 71(1), 1754 (1975). 27 G. A. Parks, Chem. Rev. 65, 177 (1965). 28 G. D. Parfitt, J. Ramsbotham and C. H. Rochester, /. Colloid Interface Sci. 41, 437 (1972). 22 29 R. 0. James and T. W. Healy, /. Colloid Interface Sci. 40, 53 (1972).