By Thomas G. Rawski, Lillian M. Li

The essays assembled right here characterize a turning element within the research of chinese language financial historical past. prior paintings has emphasised the institutional and social bases of monetary switch. those reviews holiday new flooring, bringing Western fiscal thought to the learn of China's economic system because the 17th century.

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Even more remarkable was the development of the Atlantic trade in the next one and a half centuries. By 1700 the north (England, France, the Low Countries) had taken the economic leadership from the Mediterranean and turned itself into the region of expensive wheat. [13] Europe thus became a highly integrated economy before the advent of the Industrial Revolution. Early eighteenth-century China was, on the whole, comparable with Europe in terms of market integration. i... 5 taels per shi , around 1740.

Nonetheless, in a historical study of English population and prices Peter H. Lindert does find a strong correlation between the two prior to 1815, that is, before industrialization. " He offers two theories to explain how population growth affects prices. According to the first theory, rapid population growth may bring about a higher ratio of children to adults. With more children to support, a household generally has fewer savings. Lower savings relative to household income implies a greater demand for consumer goods and services relative to demand for money holdings, raising the price level.

45] Perkins, Agricultural Development , chaps. , 1973), p. 7. [46] See Wang, "Evolution of the Chinese Monetary System," pp. 425–52. [47] Ibid. [48] Bao Shichen, Anwu sizhong (1872), 26:8. ― 66 ― In the third quarter of the century mass uprisings took place in many parts of the country. Most virulent was the Taiping Rebellion, which lasted 15 years and devastated a large part of the Yangzi Valley, particularly the delta area. 2. But the war-induced inflation proved to be just an aberration, for the level of prices sank as quickly as it rose following the return of peace and order in one part of the country after another.

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