By Roger Owen, Sue King

This ebook is geared toward scholars taking the GCSE Double technology award and at academics who will locate it invaluable as a convenient reference and planner. the 1st 3 sections of the e-book contain a precis of 'Materials and their houses' for key degree three of the.


This e-book goals to hide the requirements of the most exam forums for GCSE Double technological know-how, GCSE unmarried technology and the center content material of GCSE Chemistry. the place proper, Key degree three fabric is Read more...

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When hydrocarbons are burnt to produce energy they also form carbon dioxide and water. • Coal formed from the trees of ancient swamp forests. • Coal contains a lot of carbon. • Oil and gas formed from the remains of small organisms which lived in oceans. • Coal, oil, and gas are found in layers of rock which are millions of years old. • Coal, oil, and gas are fossil fuels. Experiment The products of combustion The products of combustion of a hydrocarbon can be shown by using a candle, because the wax is made of hydrocarbons.

A) What are the electron arrangements of helium, neon, and argon? (b) Where are these elements in the Periodic Table? 5. What is the relationship between the number of electrons in the outer energy level and the Group number in the Periodic Table? 6. How many electrons are there in the outer energy levels of: (a) rubidium (b) strontium (c) bromine (d) iodine (e) krypton (f) barium (g) xenon (h) caesium? 28 IONS AND BONDING Outer electrons In order to react atoms must form chemical bonds to other atoms.

What is the test for carbon dioxide? 8. What is the test for water? 9. How long did it take for coal to form? Why are oil and gas called fossil fuels? 43 OIL AND HYDROCARBONS KS3 Problems of fossil fuels Fossil fuels are finite and non-renewable, and their combustion causes pollution. • • • • Burning hydrocarbons. See page 49. When hydrocarbons burn completely they form only carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide and water vapour in the air are not directly harmful. When hydrocarbons burn completely they give out plenty of heat energy.

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