By Jose R. Capablanca
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It de- White has an imposing Pawn formation on the Q side. But Black, 17 Nimzo-Indian: 4 Q-B2, P-B4 Variation by 8 . . P-QR4, seeks to induce the Pawns to advance in order to weaken them. This he can do the more easily, because White will not want to saddle himself with two isolated Pawns by PxP nor can he allow Black to play . . PxP without first protecting his QR. If he plays 9 P-N5, Black can occupy and hold the important QB4 square after . . P-Q3 and . . N-Q2-B4. 9 R-QNl The alternatives do not look attractive : ( a ) 9 P-N5 would give Black a strong square, as explained above; ( b ) 9 B-N2, PxP; 10 PxP, HxR eh; 1 1 BxR, BxP costs a P awn; ( c ) 9 N-R2, PxP; 10 PxP, BxP eh, and White cannot retake without losing his Rook.
3 N-QB3 The logical move to control the center. It threatens 4 P-K4. At this point, 3 N-KB3 can lead to the Queen's Indian Defense after 3 . . P-QN3 ( see Game 24 ) . 3 ... B-N5 This move develops the Bishop to a square where it can take an important part in the struggle for the center and continues that strug gle by parrying the threat of 4 P-K4. In the Nimzo-Indian Defense, Black usually exchanges this Bishop for the White QN, as a result of which White often gets a doubled Pawn, a disadvantage, in return for which he retains the Two Bishops, an advantage.
No wonder the amateur who, just as in Game 1, does not make errors, cannot withstand the logical exploitation scheme of his master opponent. 13 . . Q-B2 The text serves to prepare an attack against White's spearhead Pawn by . . P-QN3. If Black had tried to attack White's spearhead Pawn directly by 13 . . P-QN3, then there would have followed 14 P-B6 and 15 P-N5, and Black would have had a more difficult time. The possessor of a spearhead Pawn should handle it defensively by protecting it as much as pos sible, concentrating forces, and then, after a long, long consolida tion, consider advancing it.